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Responsive image


Prison Ministry India is the only organization recognized by Catholic bishops conference of India ( CBCI) working for the welfare of the prisoners all over India.

1. The area of our ministry in Tamil Nadu is all the prisons, convicted Juveniles (Chengalpattu) and the victim girls in Vigilance Homes.
2. Only those who visit the above places are called the Prison Ministry Volunteers.
3. All those who would like join the ministry must attend regularly the monthly meetings conducted in their respective diocesan centres. If the Volunteers are not attending the monthly meetings continuously for three months without proper intimation they shall be called no more the Prison Ministry Volunteers.
4. All those who are interested in the ministry must do it voluntarily. No remuneration or conveyance shall be paid.
5. Volunteers shall opt for the visit of the prisons according to their convenience. But once they commit for the ministry they must be regular in visiting. If they are unable to visit one day they must inform in advance to the office.
6. Nobody is authorized to collect money personally in the name of Prison Ministry from anybody. All the Money collected should be sent to the concerned Diocesan Unit. Nobody is authorized to keep any money collected in the name of Prison Ministry.
7. House Visits must be done at least by two members. Nobody should visit the prisoners’ families alone.
8. Prisoners or the members of the prisoner’s family must not be entertained in any volunteers’ residence or convents. They should only come to the office.
9. Before entering into the prison and after coming out of the prison Volunteers are requested to pray together.
10. No lay women will be allowed in men prisons.
11. Each parish can have its own unit consisting of its own members not from other parishes.
12. Inside the prisons the volunteers are requested not to go alone.
13. Volunteers are requested not to speak more but to listen more.
14. If the Volunteers are not visiting the prisons continuously for two months without proper intimation, they shall be called no more the Prison Ministry Volunteers.
15. All the petitions for help from the prisoners and the family members must be submitted to the office through the concerned superintendent. All the applications shall be numbered and processed accordingly. The core committee with the consultation of the concerned superintendent shall disburse the helps requested by the prisoners or their family members.
16. Nobody is authorized to use the name of Prison Ministry for their personal use. The volunteers are requested not to use any personal cards in the name of Prison Ministry except the office bearers.
17. Please follow the guidelines given for the prison Visits.
18. If the superintendent of the prison is not allowing a volunteer due to his misconduct inside the prison, the Prison Ministry can not recommend the volunteer to any other prison.
19. Individuals personal interest in very much required to loving growth in this ministry.
20. The volunteers should not be disappointed if they do not receive gratitude from the inmates.

Our Location

Stay in touch

Prison Ministry India - Tamilnadu
No.19, Arch Diocesan Pastoral Centre
25, Rosary Church Road,

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