1.Lord Jesus Christ, who said, "Greater love than this no man has that a man lay down his life for his friends," through the intercession of St. Maximilian Kolbe whose life illustrated such love, we beseech you to grant us our petitions . . . (mention special requests.)
Through the Militia of the Immaculata movement, which Maximilian founded, he spread a fervent devotion to Our Lady throughout the world. He gave up his life for a total stranger and loved his persecutors, giving us an example of unselfish love for all men, a love that was inspired by true devotion to Mary.
Grant, O Lord Jesus, that we too may give ourselves entirely without reserve to the love and service of our Heavenly Queen in order to better love and serve our fellowman in imitation of your humble servant, Maximilian. Amen.
(Three Hail Marys and a Glory Be.)
2.Merciful God, you made St. Maximilian Kolbe one of the foremost Catholic evangelists of the difficult twentieth century.
Through the Militia of the Immaculata movement which he founded, he implanted the truths of the Immaculate Conception and your merciful plan for us all in countless hearts, thus moving them to full conversion in faith and hope, to perfect obedience and union with the Heart of Jesus, and to complete observance of the New Covenant.
You made him fruitful through carrying the cross of suffering with dignity and hope, loving his persecutors, and giving up his life for a total stranger. Through his intercession grant us our petitions . . . (here mention the requests you have). Give us a like dignity and hope in our sufferings and sacrifices, and if it will glorify you, heal us of all our infirmities, both physical and spiritual.
Finally, enable us to follow his example of effective Catholic evangelism with Mary for the return to you of all the masses of mankind, and of every individual person, family, society and culture of our time and of all time to come.
St. Maximilian Mary Kolbe, most faithful son of St. Francis, the beggar of Assisi, inflamed with love for God you journeyed through life practicing heroic virtues and performing true apostolic deeds.
Turn your gaze on us who honor you and have recourse to you.
Radiating with the light of the Immaculate Virgin, you brought countless souls to holiness and introduced them to various apostolic endeavors for the victory of good over evil and to thereby extend the Kingdom of God throughout the whole world.
Obtain for us the light and the strength we need to do good and to bring many souls to Christ.
Perfectly conformed and united with Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, you achieved such a high degree of love of neighbor that you were able to freely offer your life in exchange for a fellow prisoner in witness of true evangelical charity.
Beg the Lord on our behalf that, filled with the same fire of love, our faith and good example might also bring others to Christ and secure for us the reward of everlasting life, where we shall praise Him together with you in eternal glory.
O Prisoner-Saint of Auschwitz,
help me in my plight. Introduce me to Mary, the Immaculata, Mother of God. She prayed for Jesus in a Jerusalem jail. She prayed for you in a Nazi prison camp. Ask her to comfort me in my confinement. May she teach me always to be good. If I am lonely, may she say, "God is here." If I feel hate, may she say, "God is love." If I am tempted, may she say, "God is pure." If I sin, may she say, "God is mercy." If I am in darkness, may she say, "God is light." If I am unjustly condemned, may she say, "God is truth." If I have pain in soul or body, may she say, "God is peace." If I lose hope, may she say: "God is with you all days, and so am I."