The emblem consists of a globe that represents the world in which we live. From this globe are emerging different types of six chained hands. These hands basically represents the six different groups of people mentioned in the gospel of Mathew (Mt 25: 31ff) who are oppressed, imprisoned, bonded, Neglected and rejected by the society, such as prisoners, Prostitutes, beggars, street Children, AIDS victims, drug addicts mental patients and the like. Some of these rejected people can be disappointed and the tired while others are violent and revolutionary. They unsuccessfully break their bonds themselves. They are like the dry bones in the Ezekiel’s vision (Ez 37:1-14) that are badly in need of life and spirit. To this world of darkness comes the dove, which represents the Holy Spirit. This is the same Holy Spirit who descended on Jesus during His baptism when heaven opened and father guards it, "You are my son; today I have fathered you" (Lk. 3: 21-22) The dove also stands for Prison Ministry who brings the fruits and gifts of Holy Spirit such as love, joy freedom, peace, hope and consolation to the prisoner. It also symbolizes the messenger of peace in the book of Genesis (Gen: 8:8-12) and the Angel who appeared at the Oak of Mamre to announce the god news to Abraham and Sara Gen 18:1-15. In the same way it symbolizes Jesus the good shepherd (Jn 10) who goes in search of his lost sheep and Jesus who joined the disciples of the Emmaus on the way And revealed tom them the mystery and meaning behind His passion and death (Lk24: 13-25) Thus to the world of darkness filled with the works of self indulgence, PMI goes to sow the works of the spirit. This clearly indicates how much caution is to taken in this ministry. As Jesus Himself said "Go your way; behold, I send you out as lamps in the midst of wolves" (Lk: 10-3) Therefore, "be cunning as snakes and yet innocent as dove."(Mt 10:16) According to the liturgical traditions of the Israelites the dove like the paschal lamb is bird used for sacrifice. In this sense, the PMI member who represents the dove should be ready to sacrifice himself as Jesus did On mount Calvary in order to have life and to have it full.