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Duties and Responsibilities
Diocesan Coordinator
- Coordinator is the ultimate responsible for what so ever happens in the name of the Prison Ministry in the Prisons.
- Coordinates all the volunteers of the prison ministry in the Archdiocese/ Diocese.
- Once in a month visits all the prisons in the Diocese
- Meets the officials in the prisons and discuss about the volunteers visit
- Establishes the office and maintain day to day work of the ministry.
- Organises monthly meetings and conducts the Blessed Sacrament adoration followed by the report of each unit. Time is to be maintained. ( Usually it is from 3.00 pm to 5.00 pm on every second Saturday of the month)
- Prepares the budget for the ministry and adheres to the budget by Treasurer and Secretary
- Before helping the family of the prisoners He directs the volunteers to make the family visits with the help of Probation officers.
- Has to mobilize the funds for the ministry in consultation with the Treasurer and Secretary.
- Assists for the release and Rehabilitation of the prisoners and follows it continuously.
- All the expenses should be approved by the coordinator.
- Must ensure proper conduct of volunteers visiting the prisons and the prisoners
- Has to identify and to encourage new volunteers and to motivate them to follow the procedure correctly.
- Makes surprise visits to the prisons to see the volunteers’ ministry in the prisons.
- Secretary is to maintain the records of all the activities of the ministry in the Diocese
- Monthly meetings report to be presented..
- Annual report is to be prepared by the Secretary.
- To plan for the monthly meetings and programs in consultation with the coordinator.
- To confirm the visit of the volunteers in the concerned prisons.
- To meet the concerned superintendent of the prisons to conduct the program in the prison.
- Visits the office regularly to ascertain the day to day work of the ministry.
- He is one of the signatory in the bank accounts.
- To mobilize the funds for the ministry in consultation with the Coordinator and Treasurer
- To person to see all the activities of the volunteers as per their option.
- To check regularly the volunteers who go for house visiting.
- To keep all the accounts in proper manner
- All the money collected and spent should be only through the treasurer.
- To mobilize the funds for the ministry in consultation with the Coordinator and Secretary.
- Prepare the financial statements for the year ending 31st March every year and get it audited
- The Audited statement should be presented in the Annual general body meeting and get the approval of the volunteers and the Bishop.
- Prepare a budget for the coming year and get the approval and follow the same.
- Visits the office regularly to ascertain the day to day work of the ministry.
- The bank account is to be operated by any two - Coordinator, Secretary and Treasurer.
- Treasurer should be aware of the financial status and distribute according to the genuine need only.